Electric cars powered up by Finnish innovations

Electric cars powered up by Finnish innovations HIGH TECHNOLOGY › SMART TECHNOLOGY The Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) and a group of Finnish businesses have developed new intelligent solutions for electric vehicles to enable a standardised charging infrastructure, remote booking of a charging station as well as an intelligent charging process. The intelligent solutions were developed within the European Internet of Energy project. The other Finnish participants, in addition to VTT, were Elektrobit Wireless Communications (EB), Empower IM and Emtele. The project was funded by the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology Tekes and Artemis JU. “Using the innovations created during this project, we are able to transfer information between a charging station, car and the electric grid, which enables several other services and makes it much more flexible to use an electric car,” says principal scientist and head of The Internet of Energy project in Finland, Juhani Latvakosk...